A global move to a Product-Centric approach, in which recycling targets specific components of a product and devises ways to separate and recover them, is essential. This report addresses the challenges of recycling increasingly complex products.

    The report

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      Due to complex functionality, modern products contain complex mixes of almost any imaginable metal, material and compound. This growing complexity of modern products makes it difficult to extract and reuse valuable metals from waste products due to the laws of physics and related economics. For example, a mobile phone can contain more than 40 elements, including base metals such as copper and tin and precious and platinum-group metals such as silver, gold and palladium.

      In order to boost historically low recycling rates, a global move from a Material-Centric to a Product-Centric approach, in which recycling targets specific components of a product and their complexity at its End of Life (EoL) and devises ways to separate and recover them, is essential. Optimizing the recycling of EoL products can avoid losses in efficiency throughout the chain of recycling. The global mainstreaming of such a Product-Centric view will be a remarkable step towards efficient recycling systems, resource efficiency and a Green Economy.

      Product-Centric recycling is discussed in this report by acknowledged experts. This approach is considered to be an essential enabler of resource efficiency by increasing recycling rates.  This report provides a techno-economic, product design and physics basis to address the challenges of recycling increasingly complex products in the 21st century.

      This report is part of an envisioned series of six by the Working Group on Global Metal Flows to the International Resource Panel. To date, the series consists of the following reports:

      1. Metal Stocks in Society: Scientific Synthesis (2010)

      2. Recycling Rates of Metals – A Status Report (2011)

      3. Metal Recycling: Opportunities, Limits, Infrastructure (2013) [this report]

      4. Environmental Risks and Challenges of Anthropogenic Metals Flows and Cycles (2013)

      Additionally, you can find an introduction to this series HERE. The introduction summarizes the knowledge contained in these reports while making use of cross-references to the reports wherever possible, in order to allow the reader to gain a deeper understanding of the topic at hand.


      Recommended citation: UNEP (2013). Metal Recycling: Opportunities, Limits, Infrastructure. A Report of the Working Group on the Global Metal Flows to the International Resource Panel. Reuter, M. A., Hudson, C., van Schaik, A., Heiskanen, K., Meskers, C. and Hagelüken, C.

      Did you know?

      A global stockpile of 225 million tonnes of copper is estimated to reside in landfills

      Picture: Anne Lindblom

      Did you know?

      In 2009, more than 1.2 billion tonnes of steel were produced worldwide.

      Picture: Freeimages/ANDREW HILLER

      Did you know?

      A mobile phone contains more than 60 different metals, each in small amounts.

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