Stephen Fletcher is a marine scientist with extensive experience in coastal and marine science policy. He currently heads the Marine Programme of UN Environment’s World Conservation Monitoring Centre, and has published over 85 peer-reviewed papers.

Steve Fletcher is a marine scientist who has worked in the coastal and marine science-policy sector for the last 15 years. He has expertise in marine spatial planning, marine ecosystem services assessment for marine conservation outcomes, marine policy analysis, and applied coastal and marine conservation and governance solutions. Primary areas of his research include: the identification, classification and assessment of marine ecosystem services within MPAs and the application of marine ecosystem services assessment to marine conservation policy and marine spatial planning.

He is currently Head of the Marine Programme at the UNEP World Conservation Monitoring Centre. From 2011-2015, he was Director of the Centre for Marine and Coastal Policy Research at Plymouth University which is one of the leading marine policy research centre in Europe. He retains the role of Associate Professor in Marine Policy at Plymouth University. From 2012-2015, Dr Fletcher led the VALMER project (€4.7m) which tested the application of marine ecosystem service assessment to the management of the Western English Channel, and from 2013-2014 the PEGASEAS project (€1.2m) which generated evidence-based advice for marine policy at the national and European scale, including the MSFD, CFP and MSP Directive.

Dr Fletcher holds a PhD degree in Coastal Management in the UK from Nottingham Trent University and MSc Coastal Zone Management from Bournemouth University.

He has published over 85 peer-reviewed papers and reports focused on marine science and policy and he has been an invited speaker at numerous UK and international events. 

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