The One Planet Network Forum takes place on September 12 and 13, 2024, in Rio de Janeiro and is hosted in collaboration with the Government of Brazil. It serves as a premier platform for advancing sustainable consumption and production practices. This year’s theme is “Solutions for a More Equitable and Sustainable Society,” focusing on reducing inequalities and achieving just transitions through sustainable consumption, production, and circular economy principles. Additional information can be found here: One Planet Network Forum 2024 | One Planet network
The IRP is actively involved in several key sessions at the One Planet Network Forum 2024. Merlyn Van Voore, Head of the IRP Secretariat, moderates the opening plenary session, with Izabella Teixeira, Co-Chair of the International Resource Panel and former Minister for Environment of Brazil, participating as a panelist. Izabella Teixeira also moderates a plenary session focused on “Achieving Women’s Economic Empowerment Through Sustainable Consumption and Production.” Merlyn Van Voore serves as a panelist in a thematic session on sustainable lifestyle approaches to creating a fair and sustainable consumption space for all.
Additionally, a new IRP think piece titled “Intentionally Designing Sustainable Consumption and Production Policies and Practices to Reduce Inequalities” is being presented at the plenary opening session.